Omega Blue Studio
samples of scripts, projects, and experience

Unreal BluePrints

In order to facilitate the switching of the sword on Dawns back to hand the following BluePrints were created

beginPlay: On start, the sword is attached to the hand_bone and back_bone on Dawn

swordToggle: A toggle function is created to switch the visibility of the sword depending player input

chargeMove_BatterUp: A special move that invokes swordToggle. The highlighted calls "move" the sword from the back to her
hand to complete the special move, and then returns upon completion.

In Action

The game(WIP) above was created with Unreal Engine and one Developer/Designer for all the 3D Models,
animations, particle effects. The entire game is based on Unreal Engine BluePrints with minor C++ edits.

Fluff Game Sample: Blueprints only project

Unity 3D

Professional Unity Develepment: Verizon - Responsible for End to End creation (code, models, UI/UX ect)


Verizon: Branding and Optimization for Real Time Loading in Unity

Fluff: Player Character

Low Poly Room

Blender Donut

©2022 Omega Blue Studio